Pecha Kucha: Digital solutions in a nutshell - in 20 x 20 seconds
Digital solutions in a nutshell - in 20 x 20 seconds
Entertaining, impressively dynamic. Each lecture lasts exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds. At the "Pecha Kucha" event of the connect Dreiländereck, regional IT service providers will introduce themselves and their solutions to the topic of "digitization" to interested companies. The format "Pecha Kucha" makes it possible to convey complex contents comprehensibly and to deal with different digitalization processes in a company in a compact manner. The short presentations are intended to help provide meaningful, accurate, understandable and usable information and concrete assistance for digital transformation. With "digital solutions in a nutshell" connect Dreiländereck wants to offer visitors the opportunity to find the partners at the event, with whom the tasks may be implemented. In addition to the lectures, there will be plenty of time for personal and in-depth discussions with the speakers.